Katingan Mentaya Project

Project Description

The Katingan Mentaya Project protects and restores 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystems in Indonesia. The surrounding land was drained and converted to palm and other plantations, and the project prevents the protected area from the same fate. The are is a vitally important and dense carbon sink. While peatlands represent only 0.3% of the earth’s surface, their destruction contributes between 2-5% of annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Katingan is one of the highest-regarded, large-scale avoided deforestation projects in the world.

Katingan Mentaya Project

Project Details

Impact Type
Avoided Emissions
PT. Rimba Makmur Utama (PT. RMU)
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Verra (VCS 1477)

Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Crediting Period
2010 - 2070

Risk of Potential Reversals

Nature-based projects like this one face some risk of reversal. Carbon storage may be affected by natural hazards such as wildfires, flooding, and escalating climate change impacts. Additionally, human-driven factors such as changes in land use or local governance structures can also impact carbon storage.

Credits by Vintage