Meet Change Climate’s new requirements with ease

Purchase our exclusive Change Climate-compliant
portfolio of high-integrity carbon credits

A science-backed strategy consistent with Change Climate’s recommendations

Change Climate recommends following “the portfolio allocation principles outlined in the Oxford Principles for Net-Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting” and using “third-party project ratings from providers including BeZero, CalyxGlobal, Renoster, and Sylvera.”

Our Portfolio tracks the Oxford Principles in allocation, is diversified across project type and geography, and contains only credits rated highly by third-party ratings agencies.
Mitigate 100% of your emissions, stay on budget
Change Climate suggests investing 25% of your Climate Transition Budget outside of carbon credits.

Our specially designed, high-integrity portfolio is priced at $11.25 a tonne, allowing you to mitigate the entirety of your unabated emissions with the remaining 75% of your budget.
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Invest in cutting edge carbon removal
Change Climate recognizes the importance of “encouraging supply-side growth for high quality projects, emerging methodologies, and early-stage CDR markets.”

For every tonne you purchase, CNaught will invest a dollar on your behalf in the world’s leading carbon removal effort, the Frontier Offtake Portfolio.
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What’s in the portfolio

Each project in the portfolio is highly rated by one of Calyx Global, BeZero, Renoster, or Sylvera.

Change Climate Compliant

Emissions reductionsConservationNature-based removal

Emissions reductions




Nature-based removal


Benefits of the portfolio

Mitigate 100% of your emissions within your climate transition budget

Meets all requirements of Change Climate Project

CNaught invests $1 on your behalf in carbon removals for every tonne purchased

Ready to get started?

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