Istanbul Landfill Gas to Electricity Project

Project Description

This project supports collection of landfill gas and generation of more than 51MW of electricity at the Odayeri and Komurcuoda landfill sites near Istanbul in Turkey. Like most landfills, these sites throw off methane as some of the waste decomposes. Credits are generated from two pieces of the project: (1) avoiding the emissions of methane (a potent greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere and (2) using the power generated from the methane (natural gas) to displace dirtier coal-fired power coming from the electric grid. The project clearly required carbon revenues to achieve these two goals and therefore generates high-quality carbon offsets.

Istanbul Landfill Gas to Electricity  Project

Project Details

Impact Type
Avoided Emissions
Ortadoğu Enerji
2015, 2016

Gold Standard (GS 707)

Istanbul, Turkey
Crediting Period
2010 - 2024

Risk of Potential Reversals

This project has little to no risk of reversal because its avoided emissions are not subject to being undone.

Credits by Vintage

Credits by Vintage