Improving rural livelihood in Punjab - I

Project Description

The Improving Rural Livelihood Through Agroforestry in Punjab India-I project delivers substantial environmental and social benefits by increasing tree cover, carbon storage, and biodiversity while maintaining food production through agroforestry. Encompassing 4,255 hectares across three divisions of Punjab and involving more than 1,860 individuals, the project enables small-scale farmers to receive additional income from carbon credits and timber sales. The project’s climate impact is highly additional, with agroforestry neither financially viable nor common practice in the region. The project has been developed by the local government which should help to provide longevity to the removals the project has created.

Improving rural livelihood in Punjab - I

Project Details

Impact Type
Department of Forest and Wildlife Preservation, Punjab

Verra (VCS 2552)

Punjab, India
Crediting Period
2017 - 2037

Risk of Potential Reversals

Nature-based projects like this one face some risk of reversal. During the life of the project, carbon storage may be affected by flood, fire, or logging. After the project’s end date, land use changes may also reduce carbon storage.

Credits by Vintage

Credits by Vintage