Gaziantep Landfill Gas Project

Project Description

This project supports collection of landfill gas and generation of 5.655MW of electricity at a landfill serving Gaziantep City, Turkey. The project is expected to reduce more than 91,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions each year. Credits are generated from two pieces of the project: (1) avoiding the emissions of methane (a potent greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere and (2) using the power generated from the methane (natural gas) to displace dirtier fossil-fuel-produced power coming from the electric grid. The project clearly required carbon revenues to achieve these two goals and therefore generates high-quality carbon offsets.

Gaziantep Landfill Gas Project

Project Details

Impact Type
Avoided Emissions
CEV Enerji
2015, 2016, 2017

Gold Standard (GS 745)

ACM0001 v18
Gaziantep City, Turkey
Crediting Period
2010 - 2031

Risk of Potential Reversals

This project has little to no risk of reversal because its avoided emissions are not subject to being undone.

Credits by Vintage

Credits by Vintage