New Reporting & Sharing Features: Download your portfolio details instantly
Dan Kokotov
October 17, 2024

We know that managing your carbon credit portfolio means more than just purchasing credits. It also includes tracking the impact of your investments, communicating that progress to key stakeholders, and ensuring your actions are transparent and aligned with reporting standards. 

That’s why we’re excited to announce our latest feature updates: downloadable PDF reports and CSV files to streamline the sharing of your carbon portfolio purchase details.

You can now instantly download your order details in CSV and PDF format whenever you need, making it easy for you to share your climate impact for any purpose.

CSV File

  • Simplify compliance & reporting: Quickly export your purchase data and project details required for mandatory reporting purposes like AB 1305, voluntary disclosures like CDP or SASB, or impact reports
  • Detailed order information: Easily access reporting data like Registry Project IDs, Retirement Serial Numbers, Methodology, and more
  • Customizable data downloads: Download data for the time period you’re interested in (Ex. FY24) or specific customers (if applicable)

To access your downloadable CSV, go to your “Orders” tab and click “Export Order Details”.

PDF Report

  • Enhance stakeholder engagement: Professional reports generated within seconds for you to share with your investors, employees, or customers
  • Detailed portfolio information: The impact report includes in-depth portfolio information to increase trust and transparency:some text
    • Overall impact metrics
    • Project descriptions and documentation
    • Supported UN SDGs
    • Photos and maps
  • Customizable data downloads: Download data for the time period you’re interested in (Ex. FY24) or specific customers (if applicable)

To access your PDF report, simply visit your Impact Hub and navigate to either the “Metrics” or “Projects” tab.

At CNaught, we’re always looking for ways to simplify your sustainability journey. Ready to get started? 

Talk to the CNaught team to see how we can help you achieve your climate goals.