Centralize Your Impact Reporting: Manage All Your Carbon Purchases In One Place
Dan Kokotov
March 4, 2025

We know that transparency and simplicity are key when it comes to managing and communicating your climate impact. Whether you want to stay compliant with regulations like AB1305 or share your climate impact with stakeholders, having all your climate information in one place makes life easier - regardless of whether you purchased those carbon credits with CNaught or not.

That’s why we’re excited to launch two major updates, designed to make climate reporting easier than ever. Through our dashboard, you can now add any carbon credit purchases you made externally to utilize our impact tools across your full portfolio, as well as instantly download that information for reporting purposes.

External Purchases:

  • Add External Purchases: If you have made purchases from a provider other than CNaught, add them to your CNaught dashboard to track your carbon purchases in one place.
  • Showcase Impact: Your external purchases will be added to your Impact Page, so that it reflects an accurate total of your carbon purchases. You will see the tonnes purchased with CNaught reflected underneath.
  • Streamline Reporting: Your external purchases will also be reflected across your generated reports (see below), allowing you to export all purchase data in one go - no more chasing down information across multiple platforms.

To add your external purchases, visit the “External Purchases” tab and click the “+ Add Purchase” button. You can add as many external purchases as you need.

Reporting Tab:

  • AB1305 Compliance: 
    • Dynamic Link: Generate a live AB1305 report that automatically updates with new purchases and project data. Share to your website to eliminate the need for manual updating every year.
    • PDF: View & download a PDF report that includes all required AB1305 information
  • CDP Compliance: Download a CSV file that includes all CDP compliance information
  • Order Fulfillment Details: Download a CSV file that includes project level retirement details
  • Impact Report: Download a PDF report that includes your high-level impact metrics, along with project specific details

To access your reports, simply click on the “Reporting” tab

At CNaught, we’re always looking for ways to simplify your sustainability journey. Ready to get started? 

Talk to the team to see how we can help you achieve your climate goals.