We’ve had hundreds of conversations with businesses who are buying or considering buying carbon credits as part of their sustainability strategy. They consistently tell us that one important need is the ability to tell their key constituents–their customers, employees, investors, partners, and more–about their impact. They want to share what they are doing and the strategy behind it, but they are resource constrained and may not have the time to take this on themselves.
That’s why we’ve built a suite of tools, available to all of our customers at no charge, that help you show your impact and explain your strategy:
Impact page: The first tool is a purpose built impact page. It shows the number of carbon credits purchased both in tonnes of carbon and more accessible measures like cars taken off the road or trees planted. It then explains the science behind the strategy of purchasing a diversified portfolio of credits, and enables viewers to see how your portfolio is allocated within each project type. The page also shows the specific projects supported and includes in-depth descriptions of how each project drives climate impact, links out to project registry pages, maps of project locations, and the set of UN sustainable development goals supported. We help you tell your climate story, instantly.
Embeddable widget: We also offer all costumes an impact widget that can be embedded into your own sustainability page using a few lines of pre-written javascript. That widget shows your impact in tonnes and more accessible measures, and it is clickable to access the broader impact page.
Assets for your use: To the extent you want to build something custom, we have a database of project level assets (descriptions, images, videos, and more) that we give you access to. There is no need for you to reinvent the wheel; we make those assets available to you for free when you purchase with CNaught.
Ultimately, we’re building these tools and all of CNaught to serve you, our customer. If you need something that’s missing, please reach out to us at info@cnaught.com.